United Way Thanks Citrus Growers and Packers


Pictured, Rusty Banack and Scott Lambeth, Event Organizers

 Vero Beach, FL, December 22, 2015 – Once again local citrus growers and packers have made a significant contribution to the community-wide work of United Way of Indian River County. The 18th annual Holiday Citrus Sale grossed $26,600.

Rusty Banack, Quality Fruit Packers, and Scott Lambeth, Golden River Fruit Company, have organized and executed this annual sale since its founding. “We’ve found this to be a great way for the agricultural community to give back”, said Lambeth. Navel Oranges and Ruby Red Grapefruit were donated to fill 678 orders from local folks sending the fruit to friends and family.

Local growers and packers involved include: Fellsmere Farms, Green River Packing, Golden River Fruit Company, IMG Citrus, Indian River Exchange Packers, LeRoy Smith, Oslo Citrus Growers Association, Premier Citrus Packers, Quality Fruit Packers of Indian River, Riverfront Groves, and United Indian River Packers. “We are all aware of people in need in this community and are happy to join in and do our part,” said Banack.

“We have so many return buyers at this sale,” commented United Way’s Tracey Segal, “our snowbirds like to share some Florida sunshine with their loved ones. We can’t thank our agricultural community enough.”

Banack and Lambeth are also organizing the 30th Annual United Way Citrus Golf Tournament which will be held Saturday, February 27, 2016, at the The Club at Pointe West. Sponsorships are available. Call Caitlin at (772) 567-8900, ext. 112, for more information or see News and Events at UnitedWayIRC.org.

 United Way of Indian River County invites people to get involved by helping others. Go to www.VolunteerIndianRiverCounty.org  to learn about local opportunities for service. For more information about United Way or to give online, visit our website at www.UnitedWayIRC.org.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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