Seasonal Grouper Closure Starts Jan. 1 in Atlantic, Monroe County Waters

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Several species of grouper will close to recreational and commercial harvest starting Jan. 1 in Florida state waters of the Atlantic, including Monroe County. This seasonal closure includes gag, black, red, yellowmouth, yellowfin and tiger grouper; scamp; red hind; rock hind; coney; and graysby. State waters in the Atlantic are from shore out to 3 nautical miles.

The harvest of these species of grouper in Atlantic state waters will remain closed through April 30, reopening May 1. The harvest closure was established to ensure the long-term sustainability of Atlantic grouper species.

A similar closure will also occur in federal waters of the Atlantic. Tiger grouper is not included in the federal closure.

Grouper information, including Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico grouper regulations, is available online. Go to and select “Saltwater” then “Recreational Regulations” and “Groupers.”

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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