Sweethearts & Heroes segment 4: the “sh*t sandwich”

"Sweethearts & Heroes"

Sweethearts & Heroes segment 4: the “sh*t sandwich”

We’re watering down this term, so as not to offend, but no one wants to bite the proverbial “crap sandwich.”

Sometimes, however, a teacher must take that bite, as Jason points out in this fourth installment of a 27-part series of short videos that are intended to give you tips and strategies that surround the Sweethearts & Heroes mission.

Jason, a teacher in Glens Falls, N.Y., calls the classroom his “laboratory,” meaning he applies Sweethearts & Heroes concepts and techniques to his classroom and athletes on the wrestling mat.

In this clip, Jason describes an inspiring incident he had with a student after a colleague asked Jason help him cover a physical education class. Spoiler Alert: We’re not going to spoil it for you, but there is an apology involved, and Jason learned, once again, that teachers are also students, every day — and that, sometimes, teachers just gotta bite that sandwich.

“Failure is a form of feedback,” Jason says in the short video below. “We’re all teachers of humanity.”

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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