Social Work: Moving Forward with grace from the Florida Primary
Where do we go from here?
The Florida Primary is over. This one was really hard for me because I had to join a party to vote. I have friends in both parties and I love them but I really do not like everything that comes with being a member of a party. I’m an issues person and my issue is clean water. If you work for clean water then I’m for you and if you do something against that clean water then I’m not for you. If you are running for office and you can’t take the time to come here and learn about the issues of Lake Okeechobee discharges then I don’t have time nor a vote for you. There is no excuse for not knowing this information.
I like New Hampshire (Actually, I love New Hampshire for many reasons. Most of them have to do with mountains that I skied as a kid and camping in the summer) I have a lot of family from there and I know their hearts. They really believe in live Free or Die and they have that down to a science. They also love their land and their water and they understand why people go there. Don’t mess with NH. They will eat you up and spit you out.
Everyone in NH votes and if you are not in a party you pick which party you want to vote for. This cuts down on pandering and it really allows people to vote for the issues that are important to them.
Last November the Miami Herald
wrote a piece called “The Florida Voter: Dramatic growth of ‘no party affiliation’ reshapes Florida politics. This is the fastest growing segment. One of the issues is these people do not vote because they are turned off by the extreme partisanship. Clean water is not a partisan issue. Both sides have done good things and really bad things. Taking money from big sugar is a totally non partisan issue and the fact that these politicians are so clueless as to what happens not to us but the people that actually live out there is pitiful.
I say they need to vote but we need to change the way we vote. There is too much shenanigans going on in Florida and I think being able to vote the way we want would cut down on those shenanigans and make our politicians more honest. Keep them guessing and keep them honest. If you want to have a party lets go to the Lagoon! Oh that’s right. We can’t because it’s filthy dirty with dead fish floating around.
There is also something else going on with the increase in social media. Friends are getting angry at each other because of their choices. I hate to see this because a term is 2-4 years but friends are forever. Real friends.
We need to do this together. Our election of our local government and our Florida representatives have everything to do with what our future will look like. We want clean water and we certainly do not want fracking. This is not a partisan issue and it affects all of us greatly. Especially those of us that live along the Indian River Lagoon.
This is what I want. I want clean water to flow south the way it was created before the plumbing was broken. I want the aquifers of South Florida to be recharged so everyone has the water that they need. I want the Everglades to get the water that it needs. I want my friends the Miccosukees to have clean water and not to be flooded out and loose their spiritual tree islands, their homes, their history and their heritage, and I want the Florida Bay to have the fresh water that it needs so it won’t implode. I want the water at the west coast in Ft Meyers Beach and Sanabel to look the way it used to. Clean. Gorgeous. Swim able healing water.
I want Florida to be Florida. I want us to be the place where people come to enjoy the beach, the water, fishing, boating , paddle boarding and what ever else we all love to do.
There is a good reason why we live near the water at the Atlantic Ocean. That’s what binds us together. The fact that we have to fight policy makers and politicians about this is a little mind-blowing.
I’ll be putting a link to all city and county governors on our pages so people can start checking out who is actually doing what. Hold their feet to the fire. Let’s start looking at who is running and where they are at on the issues of clean water and ask them about that.
This just cannot continue.
Don’t loose your friends over politics and lets all try to put an olive branch out there. Again if we did away with parties and just agreed on the issues I think we’d all be together on the fact that we must have clean water for us and all of Florida.
Here is my first official short film. I love to make short narrative or documentary films because I really feel that you can tell a story in minutes and not bore people.
Filmed in Boca Raton right after Hurricane Frances. the screens were blown out and the pool was not heated. I decided to write about this issue but in the form of romantic comedy. This was my film school project. its a little goofy but pretty funny.
I hope you enjoy.
As Heather says in her song “We got work to do!”
Here is trailer also. My first attempt and I love the way it came out.