Pecha Kucha, “The Rights of Water,” Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch, SLR/IRL LTE

What is Pecha Kucha? JTL tries at Love the Everglades" the Rights of Water, Miccosukki Tribe 2015.) (Still from Kenny Hinkle's video.)
What is Pecha Kucha? JTL’s attempt, “Love the Everglades, 2015,” the Rights of Water, Miccosukki Tribe. (Still from Kenny Hinkle’s video with word overlay..)

Link to JTL’s Pecha Kucha, as filmed by Kenny Hinkle, LTE, 2015: (
*You Tube link if above runs too slow: (

When Miccosukki Tribe member, Houston Cypress, recently informed me that I needed to prepare a “Pecha Kucha” for the “Rights of Water” symposium at Love the Everglades August 22, 2015, I was amiss.

“What’s Pecha Kucha? Or was that Pechu Kuchu? Pecha, what? ” I inquired, thinking it must be a Native American term.

Houston calmly replied:

“It is Japanese for “chit-chat,” Jacqui. It consist of 20 slides in power point format that run only 20 seconds each” It keeps presentations interesting and succinct. Pecha Kuchas are now a popular format all over the world.”

“Wow, that’s cool,” I replied.” Thinking to myself, “The Miccosukki—near Miami–ahead of the game—I live in Stuart, 30 years behind the curve….Hmmm? I’ll act like I get it….”

“This should be easy.” ….I said to Houston. “20 seconds, 20 slides? Sure! Count me in!”
The weeks went by and I realized, well,  I was wrong! The fast-moving slides force a familiarly and adaptability that I had never before adjusted to while speaking. Practice took on a new meaning because you really couldn’t. You just had to know your subject.  “Live” became the theme.

I was terrified and realized I could not look at notes  or do what I usually do when I speak, especially in an unfamiliar place. My husband, Ed watched me sweat and stumble trying to prepare. Scratching my plan altogether at least twice. He smiled just telling me to “look it over….”My slides that is…

“PechaKucha Night,” now in over 800 cities, according to their web site, was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.

Today I will share my attempt of a Pecha Kucha for the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon at the Miccosukki’s “Love the Everglades Conference “and the RIGHTS OF WATER 2015.  Thank you to Ed for helping me prepare; thank you to videographer, activist, and friend, Kenny Hinkle, for his finesse in taping this experience. Also thank you to those whose photographs and maps I used in my presentation and help me all the time: Joh Whiticar, Dr Gary Goforth, Ed Lippisch, Sandra Thurlow, Nic Mader and the River Kidz, Julia Kelly, Sevin Bullwinkle, Val Martin, and Greg Braun. The slides are below.

Last, thank you most of all to Houston Cypress and the Miccosukki Tribe of South Florida for the opportunity to grow and to share, because from what I am learning, getting out of one’s comfort zone is  where it all begins as we continue “our war” of which we too, “will never surrender” —St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon.

Pecha Kucha slides: 20×20

1. John Whiticar SR:/IRL
1. John Whiticar SR:/IRL
2. John Whiticar SLR/IRL
2. John Whiticar SLR/IRL
3. 1856 US Seminole war map
3. 1856 US Seminole war map, Val Martin.
4. Ais
4. Ais artwork.  Sandra Thurlow.
Gary Gorforth's map, Wright.
5. Gary Gorforth’s map of Mr. Wright 1800s.
Canals showing St Lucie
6. Canals showing St Lucie
1920s C-44 St Lucie Connection, Sandra Thurlow.
7.1920s C-44 St Lucie Connection, Sandra Thurlow collection.
Fishing SLR Sandra Thurlow collection.
8. Fishing SLR Sandra Thurlow collection.
Little boy and giant grouper Jenen Beach 40 or 50s. Sandra Thurlow collection.
9. Little boy and giant grouper Jenen Beach 40 or 50s. Sandra Thurlow collection.
C-24 canal JTL/EL.
10. C-24 canal JTL/EL.
SFWMD basin map for SLR.
11. SFWMD basin map for SLR.
LO and other canals' plume Jupiter Island 2013 (JTL/EL)
12. LO and other canals’ plume Jupiter Island 2013 (JTL/EL)
Plume over nearshore reefs. (Martin County files)
13. Plume over nearshore reefs. (Martin County files)
River Kidz member, Veronica Dalton, speaks, protest for SLR/IRL, St Lucie Locks, and Dam, 2013. At this event she spoke before more than 5000 people. (Photo Sevin Bullwinkle)
14. River Kidz member, Veronica Dalton, speaks, protest for SLR/IRL, St Lucie Locks, and Dam, 2013. At this event she spoke before more than 5000 people. (Photo Sevin Bullwinkle)
Marty the Manatee, River Kidz work book 2015. (Julia Kelly.)
15. Marty the Manatee, River Kidz work book 2015. (Julia Kelly.)
RK oyster deployment with FOS, 2014. Nic Mader
16. RK oyster deployment with FOS, 2014. Nic Mader.
Dolphin calf with mother 2014, SLR/IRL. Nic Mader.
17. Dolphin calf with mother 2014, SLR/IRL. Nic Mader.
White Ibis, Bird Island, Greg Braun.
18. White Ibis, Bird Island, Greg Braun.
Dirty Water Kills. River Kidz recycled FDOT sign, Rachel Goldaman. 2013.
19. Dirty Water Kills. River Kidz recycled FDOT sign, Rachel Goldaman. 2013.
Last slide: A Miccosukki word for the Everglades....left on screen.
20. Last slide: A Miccosukki word for the Everglades….left on screen.

Pecha Kucha official website: (
What is a Pecha Kucha? (

headshot-jtl-2013 About Jacqui Thurlow-Lippisch:

Although born at Travis Air Base, California, Jacqui considers herself a native of Stuart, Florida, having moved there at eight months old. Her father’s family, originally from Syracuse, New York, has lived in Stuart since 1952. Her mother is a 5th generation Floridian from Gainesville. Jacqui is a Daughter of the American Revolution.

Jacqui is journalism graduate of the University of Florida, and an education master’s graduate of the University of West Florida. She went on to teach English and German and later after a serious accident of breaking her neck, started selling real estate. Later, she ran for public office having served on the Town of Sewall’s Point Commission since 2008, and is former mayor. During this time she saw the opportunity to help showcase the work of a locally formed river group, the River Kidz, and this has been her passion ever. She incorporates youth/river education  into her political work for the St Lucie River/Indian River Lagoon.

Jacqui is the treasurer/secretary of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; has chaired the Florida League of Cities Environmental and Energy Committee; was chair, and a six year member of the Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments; is an alternate for the Water Resources Advisory Commission for the South Florida Water Management District; and is a board member for Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation, in St Lucie County.  She also serves as a board member (ex-officio) for the Rivers Coalition Defense Fund, and is head administrator for her beloved River Kidz, now a division of the Rivers Coalition.

Jacqui’s reach involves not only local, but state and federal government. In 2013,  she served on Senator Joe Negron’s panel for the Select Senate Hearing on the Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee. In 2014, she actively supported the elections of both Senator Joe Negron and Congressman Patrick Murphy who have both been strong supporters of  Indian River Lagoon issues. In 2015, she is part of the Florida League Cities Treasure Coast Advocacy team to influence and educate Tallahassee. Jacqui received the Everglades Coalition’s 2015 “John V. Kabler Award” for “Grassroots Activism” working to organize and educate the public about Everglades restoration. Most recently she has been recruited as a fellow by the University of Florida/IFAS’s Natural Resources Leadership Institute Class XV. The institute focuses on teaching leaders how to facilitate participatory decision making in the most controversial of situations.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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