MCSO saves two Pelicans

MCSO saves two Pelicans

MCSO team saved two Pelicans  bound together with one fishing line.

MCSO’s Marine Deputy Jeff Read and Deputy John Howell noticed two pelicans in a painful struggle near the boat ramp in Port Salerno.  The two were bound together by a thick fishing line and large hook. They were able to grab the pair.  With the help of Animal Services Officer Michele Thonney they cut the tangled lines and freed the birds.

One of the pelicans was immediately released. The second bird had a deep chest laceration and was struggling to move. Animal Services contacted local pet emergency veterinarian “Dr. Jason”. He graciously sealed the wound, which relieved the pain and enabled the feathered creature to fly again.

MCSO brought the pelican back to the original location a short time later and released her.

You can see the video on the Martin County’s Facebook Page

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  • Posted 8 years ago

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