Indian River Lagoon Green Business Program – The Marine Resources Council offers a program to help restaurateurs and lawn care professionals adopt good
environmental practices for water conservation, point source pollution prevention, energy & waste reduction.
Monday, Nov. 16th, 7:30pm – Pelican Island Audubon Speaker – Ed Perry, Fishing for Flounder at the Sebastian Inlet
Vero Beach Community Center, 2266 14th Avenue VB
Wednesday, Nov. 18th, 7pm – Harbor Branch Ocean Lecture Series, “Studying the Lagoon – How Little Animals Can Help the Health of the Lagoon”
Presented by Valerie Paul, Kris Freeman & Eve Galimany of the Smithsonian Marine Station in Ft. Pierce
Thursday, Nov. 19th, 7pm, Eugenia Native Plant Speaker, Container Gardening with Natives by Chris Waltz of the Florida Assoc. of Native Plant Nurseries
at Audubon House, 195 9th Street (Oslo Road)
Saturday, Nov. 21st, 4-8pm – Environmental Learning Center Lagoon Night Lights – experience the magic of mangroves after dark
Saturday, Dec. 5th, – Ocean Reef Beach Festival, Pelican Beach Park, Satellite Beach
For more information: or