More green toxic algae pouring out of St. Lucie Locks

More green toxic algae pouring out of St. Lucie Locks

Martin County, Fl-Lake Okeechobee pulse discharges continue this morning. Local concerned citizens in our area are calling for the Army Corp of Engineers  to hold less water in the lake. Their argument is that by holding less in the lake during the dry season, you won’t need to have as many discharges during the rainy season.

Congressman Brian Mast has been talking about this. “This is the truth: Lake O is being managed for the benefit of others to the detriment of human health and safety on the Treasure Coast.”

You can watch the video here. Essentially, if the water was lower during the dry season then there would be plenty of room for rain and then we may not get discharges.

“Toxic algae blooms that we have nothing to do with producing.” said Mast.

Our elected officials would do well to pay attention to Congressman Mast and back him up.


Here is some video from this morning. At about 1:30 you can see a poor gators stuck in this mess.






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  • Posted 6 years ago

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