Dramatist Hank Fincken bringing Thomas Edison to life at Blake Library

Hank Fincken as Thomas Edison

Hank Fincken as Thomas Edison


STUART, FL – Saturday, January 16 at 3:00 pm, dramatist Hank Fincken will perform his one-man living history performance “Almost, Mr. Edison, Almost” at the Blake Library, 2351 SE Monterey Rd, Stuart, as part of the Chautauqua South 2016 series. The one-man play tells the story of its title character, the American inventor and businessman famous for his development of the lightbulb. The Chautauqua South 2016 series is specially funded by the Friends of the Martin County Library System.

Fincken, a veteran Chautauqua performer, will talk about Thomas Edison’s beginnings, his first inventions, the light system, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as the times in which Edison lived. In true Chautauqua style, Fincken shines as his knowledge of Edison is put to the test, both in and out of character.
“A National Theatre Company of One,” Hank Fincken has toured the U.S. performing his eight original one-man plays for over 20 years and performed in Chautauquas in eight different states for the past 10 years. Awarded the title Master Artist by the Indiana Arts Commission and Outstanding Performer by the Indiana Theatre Association, Fincken has received five national Pinnacle Awards for his teaching of the arts and history through video conferencing and was recently in a Hollywood film which featured Thomas Edison.
For more details or to learn more about other Chautauqua South programs or the Martin County Library System, call (772) 221-1403, pick up a Library Events newsletter at any Martin County library location or visit the library website, www.library.martin.fl.us


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  • Posted 9 years ago

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