$510,000 Sexual Harassment Suit Won Against Fort Pierce Police Dept.


A former female cop has won a $510,000 lawsuit against the city of Fort Pierce’s police department.

The jury’s verdict is not just about emotional damages or lost wages, lawyers have to be paid as well.

The Fort Pierce leaders from the mayor to the top cops say “no comment”  concerning this case.

Former Sergeant Anderson testified that she was accused by her lieutenant of having an adulterous affair with a married detective while others called her a badge bunny, a woman that sleeps with male officers. Anderson also stated that the police department targeted her after she complained. She was demoted, reinstated and demoted  again. She then claims her fellow officers were told to stay away from her and not to back her up. Anderson testified that she called for back up and when none of the male officers responded, she was attacked during the call.

A predominantly female jury agreed with Anderson that sexual harassment had occurred in the department.

No word yet if the cities Attorney’s plan on appealing the verdict.




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  • Posted 9 years ago

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