Visit the The Road to Victory Military Museum

Visit the The Road to Victory Military Museum.

The  Road to Victory Military Museum in Stuart FL. is located on Veteran Memorial Park at 319 Stypmann Blvd. It is open Saturdays 10:00-2:00 and by appt.  The RTVMM honors and pays tribute to all the brave men and women who have served & are serving in our country’s armed forces. It has  displays of historical artifacts, uniforms, militaria, photographs, and vehicles. We have a Venture Scout 804 troop young men and women,age 14-21.   We need volunteers for our RTVMM and scout troop.  Please see our Facebook site or
for added info or call 7038354166 cell

The Road to Victory Military Museum started out in a 1942 Fruehauf tractor / military maintenance repair van.


New US Merchant Marine display has been added. It is dedicated to 2nd Mate Lt. John Palmer.
In many communities across the nation, museums have become trusted caretakers and sources of knowledge, serving the community in its exploration of history and experiences, generating ideas and inspiration. Our veterans were witness to history and they also made history. A museum provides permanent record and common ground for the community to learn that history. Martin County and the City of Stuart are rich in their own WWII history and now even more so with a museum and collection in the heart of the city.

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  • Posted 8 years ago

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