Update on Search – Find Austin and Perry


The private search goes on.

The Gofundme account has almost a half a million dollars and has stopped taking donations.

The private search does go on and the maritime security experts brought search dogs to Savannah, Georgia yesterday after there were two life jackets found on a sandbar about 20 miles east. There was  also a white cushion and pair of white boots found at different locations. All of these items are being examined and have not been determined if they are the boy’s or not.

The second search and rescue group from Maine is using high definition photo equipment to search the ocean and is covering areas from Florida to the Carolina’s.

The family stated that the outpouring of community support has been overwhelming. The generosity, goodwill and heartfelt prayers of so many have sustained them during this trying time.

The family also stated that they do not feel that the lost of the vessel hurt or  impeded the search in any way.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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