Two more people bitten by sharks in Florida

Two more people bitten by sharks in Florida

Two people bitten by sharks in Florida waters. Kerry Keyton was paddling out in the water’s off St. Augustine Wednesday when she felt something on her foot. Keyton says she was able to shake it off. She then went  back to shore. Then she she realized her foot was injured.
Keyton was taken to the hospital, where she received 30 stitches.

A teenage boy was swimming when he was bitten in Jacksonville. He was taken to a nearby hospital, but his injuries were not considered life threatening.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, sharks typically move north and closer to shore in the spring and summer, which explains why shark activity is at its peak off of Florida’s coast from April to October.

(note from the editor: Photo is a great white shark and not the shark that bite either one of these people.)

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  • Posted 7 years ago

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