Two areas of concern in the Tropics

Two areas of concern in the Tropics

Miami, Fl- There are currently two areas of concern in the tropics. The closest is a few hundred miles northeast of the Leeward Islands. That is not expected to develop over the next few days, but conditions become more favorable as it moves off the Florida coast later this week. And the tropical wave that we were looking at last week is much less likely to develop now than it was on Friday. It has about a 30-percent chance of developing over the next five days as it makes its way west towards the Leeward Islands. September is the busiest month historically for hurricane season, with September 10th considered the peak.

The eye of Hurricane Dorian may have missed the Florida mainland, but the storm still did a number on beaches and wildlife. Palm Beach County reports that more than 50 percent of the sea turtle nests that were on its beaches during Dorian were lost when the storm brushed the coast. This does not include the majority of nests that hatched prior to the hurricane. Even with the losses, the 2019 sea turtle nesting season, which runs March through October, has been one of the strongest on record. 

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  • Posted 5 years ago

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