Treasure Coast School Update July 20 2020
TreasureCoast ( in Martin County are pleading with school board members to either delay the opening of schools or remain 100% virtual.
The next school board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 4 p.m. at 500 SE Ocean Blvd. inside the school board meeting room.
The District has extended the deadline for parents/guardians to submit the commitment form for the remote learning option. Submissions will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 24, 2020.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to watch Tuesday’s Regular Board Meeting to gather more information before making their decisions for August. The School Board will hear an update from the K-12 Pandemic Response Team and DOH Martin during this meeting, which will begin at 4 p.m. and be livestreamed at
For more information about both learning options, including answers to your frequently asked questions, please visit The remote learning commitment form is available in English and Spanish via the following links:
Parent Commitment Form –
Formulario de Compromiso de Padres –
St Lucie County

Treasure Coast School Update July 20 2020
Time is running out for parents to decide if their child will return to the classroom in St. Lucie County next month. Commitment forms are due.
Currently there are three options.
The first option is traditional. Students return to school full time, five days a week in the traditional face-to-face classroom setting with increased health and safety measures in place.
Those safety measures include masks must be worn by students when on the bus, during transitions and anytime social distancing is not possible, frequent cleaning of surfaces, e-misting and disinfecting including routine deep cleans and hand sanitizer in every classroom and on every bus.
The second option is the MySchool Online option through your child’s assigned school. Important features of this learning environment include students maintain their enrollment status at their assigned schools, students attend school online during regular school hours and follow their daily class schedule, teachers meet with students each period, daily online through Teams and Canvas and students and teachers follow the same curriculum sequence as their peers in school and can easily return to school -when comfortable. This temporary option will be re-evaluated every nine weeks and attendance will be taken each period.
The final option would allow students to attend the Mosaic Digital Academy, which is the School Districts
full-time Florida Virtual School (FLVS) franchise.
This choice requires a one-year commitment during this time due to the challenges of transferring between regular brick and mortar schools.
To submit a commitment form for your child click here
Indian River County will be giving an update today.

Treasure Coast School Update July 20 2020