The Week's Top Weird News

This Guy’s Forehead Smells
The day may come when you see a guy growing a nose on his forehead, and it will require no explanation at all. It’s science. For the same reason, a woman last year grew an ear on her arm.
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    Table For One
    You can call Isaiah Webb’s “Incredibeard” a lot of things — a soup bowl, a cup holder, etc. — but you might as well start by admitting it’s quite versatile.
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    Sex With Pool Float
    Police Booking Photo
    It’s not the policy of HuffPost Weird News to say who — or what — you can have sex with, even if the object of your affection is an object. However, when Edwin Tobergta was making sweet love with a rubber swimming pool float he was doing it in front of children. Moments like this make us miss the good old days when all you had to worry about were kids peeing in the pool.We note that Tobergta used the same pink float each time he was caught, so, while he might be a little kinky, he is, at least loyal
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    Flesh-Eating Designer Drug
    The toxic designer drug known as “krokodil” can actually dissolve teeth and make you wish you were simply addicted to crystal meth.
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    Who Would Do This To A Mouse?
    They wouldn’t do this to a mouse at Gitmo. But a Palestinian man in Gaza supposedly took revenge on this rodent for chewing up $170 in cash. We have reason, however, to doubt his story.


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