“Student of the Quarter” Award Presented

“Student of the Quarter” Award Presented

The Exchange Club of Fellsmere is pleased to announce the presentation of the “Student of the Quarter” award to Fellsmere Elementary third grader Nayeli Solis on Tuesday, June 2, 2015.


Each year, representatives of the Exchange Club attend award ceremonies at Fellsmere Elementary to present the “Student of the Quarter” award and Nayeli Solis was selected above her peers by a committee as the recipient for this quarter.


The nomination was submitted by Nayeli’s teacher Kristen Culbreth, who described her “as an all-around outstanding student”. The nomination from Ms. Culbreth read in part as follows:


“Not only did she make great gains this year in reading and math, she never stopped trying. She always made her peers feel accepted and was willing to help them in any way. She went above and beyond including completing voluntary homework on a number of occasions.  I am very proud of her successes and consider her to be a great role model for upcoming third graders”!


The award was presented by Exchange Club members Sandi Gehrke (President), Jason Nunemaker (Fellsmere City Manager) and Keith Touchberry (Fellsmere Police Chief).


The members of the Fellsmere Exchange Club would like to congratulate Nayeli and all the nominees for a job well done, and wish all Fellsmere Elementary students good luck in their future studies!



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  • Posted 9 years ago

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