St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant To Conduct Quarterly Siren Test Nov. 30
SOUTH HUTCHINSON ISLAND – Martin County’s Emergency Management Agency, St. Lucie County’s Public Safety Department and Florida Power & Light (FPL) will conduct quarterly testing of the outdoor warning sirens for the St. Lucie nuclear power plant on Thursday, Nov. 30 at noon.
The test will involve a one-minute sounding of all 90 sirens within the 10-mile St. Lucie plant emergency planning zone. Before and after the sirens sound, a message will be broadcast on the sirens’ public-address system stating: “This is only a test.”
FPL, St. Lucie and Martin counties regularly test the siren system to improve public awareness of its function and ensure its operability.
In the unlikely event of an actual emergency at St. Lucie plant, the sirens would sound for at least a five-minute period. Official instructions or information would follow on local radio and television.
For more information on St. Lucie’s emergency plan, please visit the following website: