Passionflower vine rambles through some overgrown shrubs in the back garden. The vines were left to ramble because the hummingbirds enjoy them and some native Passionflowers produce an edible fruit, although I have yet to figure out how to tell one from another. While standing under the shrubs channeling Sir Isaac Newton, a passionfruit fell at my feet, inspiring this vase.
Bouquet of Love
The inspiration provided, passion fruit at my feet, as Valentine’s Day is Tuesday – I thought If starting with a Passion fruit could the vase be filled with flowers that have a meaning related to love? During the Victorian era in England, flower arrangements were made to convey sentiments based on the selection of flowers and the meaning associated with a flower. For example, a bouquet of lilacs would mean first love. If you were the recipient of the Lilacs someone was telling you they were in love with you and for the first time.
Seizing the challenge, I cut a passionfruit still on the vine and searched the Victorian flower dictionary for plants with love related meanings.
A close up of the plant palette and the meanings of each component:
The red flowers are Dwarf Jamaican Heliconia (Heliconia stricta) meaning Adoration.
The orange flower is Mexican Honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) meaning Bonds of Love.
Asian Sword Ferns meaning Sincerity.
The dark, ferny leaves Copper Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) meaning Strength and Praise
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) meaning Remembrance
Viny plant on the right is Variegated Needlepoint Ivy (Hedera ‘Needlepoint’) meaning Friendship and Fidelity
Last but not least:
The yellow fruit is Passion fruit (Passiflora incarnata) meaning Faith
The result – a bouquet of love for Valentine’s Day from my garden. With the addition of a little something from the kitchen our celebration will be ready.
A little chocolate to go with the flowers!
Happy Valentine’s Day.