Sheriff Ivey Announces Pilot Program to Aid Victims of Domestic Violence
With October being Domestic Violence Awareness month, there is no better way to support this cause than to announce a new pilot program aimed to raise awareness, training and prosecution for all victims of Domestic Battery by Strangulation.
This unique new program is a collaborative partnership with hopes to increase the rate of successful prosecution for those committing these violent offenses.
Domestic Battery by Strangulation is one of the deadliest acts of Domestic Violence. Studies have shown 62% of victims of Felony Domestic Battery by Strangulation may not show the same visible signs as other methods of battery, but injuries are prevalent and victims are considerably more likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries.
To address this challenge, the Sheriff’s Office is implementing a new protocol which involves educating the public as well as offering victims of non-fatal strangulation an examination by nurses who are specially trained in recognizing the signs and symptoms associated with this type of violent attack.
This program was developed through a mutual effort by members of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the UCF Sociology Department, State Attorney Phil Archer, the Salvation Army, the Health Department, and Serene Harbor Domestic Violence Center.
This cooperative initiative accomplishes two major goals, the first is to ensure victims are aware of the lethal factors of strangulation, and the second is to immediately capture evidence from the forensic medical examination and preserve it for criminal prosecution.
By enhancing the responses throughout the entire process, beginning with educating the public, to the medical professionals and evidence collection, to law enforcement, and even the State Attorney’s Office, it will be much easier to hold offenders accountable for their actions and hopefully meet the ultimate goal, which is to save lives.
Sheriff Ivey stated; “I am extremely thankful for all the partners who have been involved in making this program possible. This type of criminal behavior is intolerable. I encourage any individuals who are involved in an abusive relationship to reach out to us or any of the local resources for help and guidance. Far too many victims remain voiceless. Our ultimate goal is to enhance and mature this program into one that may be implemented across the board. ”
For more information about this program, contact Brevard County Sheriff’s Office