Martin County is very high for the cost of a meal.
According to these experts seniors are living out their retirements and have not planned for it. There is not enough affordable housing.
Many seniors have chronic medical conditions that render them homebound. They have no way to get nutritious food. Many refuse to ask for help. They are not eating well balanced diet that contributes to even worsening their medical conditions.
There are others that are not mentioned. Senior divorce when neither party can really afford to loose the other income. Credit Card debt with no end in sight. Houses need roofs. Cars break down.
The cost of food is going up.
The coalition that is being put together wants to be proactive.
Our local media does not want to talk about this and they must! I’m the media. I’ll start here.
We hide our poor in Martin County. This is a conversation we have to have.
It’s time to develop a community plan to end hunger in our community.
I’m planting spinach in the back yard. You are all invited over.
Here are some places that were represented
10 Warning Signs of Poor Senior Nutrition
- Loss of appetite: If your senior has always been a hearty eater but no longer eats as he or she used to, it’s time to find out why. Underlying illness could be the root cause.
- Little to no interest in eating out: If your loved one has always loved eating out at a favorite restaurant but no longer shows interest, dig deeper to determine the problem.
- Depression: Change in appetite is a classic sign of depression. Be sure to follow up with a physician if you suspect depression may be a problem.
- Sudden weight fluctuation: A weight change — losing or gaining 10 pounds in six months — is another sign that something could be amiss.
- Expired or spoiled food: Check the refrigerator for expired or spoiled food. Seniors could be saving food until it’s no longer safe. Make sure that all food is labeled, with the date, in large letters and numbers.
- Skin tone: Observe your senior’s skin tone. If she is eating properly, her skin should look healthy and well-hydrated.
- Lethargy: If your loved one has regularly been active and enjoyed taking walks but suddenly becomes lethargic, encourage him to see a doctor. Poor nutrition could be to blame.
- Cognitive problems: Seniors who live alone might forget to eat. Dementia and cognitive problems can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Quick intervention is vital.
- More than three medications: Medication can influence both appetite and weight. Check with your senior’s doctor to find out if his medications could be the culprit.
- A recent illness: Illness or a hospital stay could make a senior stop eating. Keep tabs on your loved one’s recovery, making sure she has reliable help at home.