Search for Austin and Perry – Update

Austin and Perry - The Search Continues

Austin and Perry – The Search Continues

The search for information concerning Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen, both 14, continues.

The two boys headed out the Jupiter Inlet in their boat on July 24th. There was a terrible summer storm that afternoon and the pair never returned.

Volunteer searchers are still searching and believe they may be close to learning what may have happened to Austin and Perry.

DEEMI is a volunteer organization that specializes in these searches and is feeling hopeful they may have some new information.

Richard Bowie, with DEEMI, states, ““We hope with every dive we’re able to find something that may lead to some indication of what may have happened to the boys.”

Bowie said they have some photos that gave them information to know where to look  and with what has been found, they feel they are in the right area.

Another search is planned soon.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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