Postage Stamps will feature bioluminescent creatures by ORCA’s Edie Widder
Fort Pierce, FL-Postage stamps featuring photos of bioluminescent sea creatures taken by Edie Widder, founder, CEO and senior scientist at the Ocean Research and Conservation Association, will be unveiled during ceremonies Feb. 22 at Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce.
Recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on deep-sea exploration, Dr. Edith Widder, founder, CEO and senior scientist at ORCA, will share research findings about the fascinating world of bioluminescent life. Her photographs appear on seven stamp images.
Bioluminescence — the ability of some living things to generate their own light — occurs on many branches of the tree of life. This pane of 20 stamps showcases 10 examples of Bioluminescent Life.
At center top, the selvage — or area outside the stamps — features a transparent deep-sea comb jelly (Gregory G. Dimijian photo), surrounded by images of the firefly squid (Danté Fenolio). The title “BIOLUMINESCENT LIFE” appears on the selvage above the pane of stamps.
Eight stamp images represent the work of some of the top explorers of the bioluminescent ocean realm, and two portray land-based species. The stamps feature: deep-ocean octopus (Widder); midwater jellyfish (Widder); deep-sea comb jelly (Widder); mushroom (Taylor F. Lockwood); firefly (Gail Shumway); bamboo coral (Widder); marine worm (Widder); crown jellyfish (Widder); a second type of marine worm (Steve Haddock); and sea pen (Widder).
First-day-of-issue dedication ceremony for the Bioluminescent Life Forever stamps. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP at
The event will be Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 11a.m.
Sunrise Theatre
117 S. 2nd Street
Ft. Pierce, FL 34950