Port St Lucie to Hike Taxes as Much as 17%


Close to 150,000 taxpayers are about to get a rude awakening, as Port St Lucie says they must hike property taxes up to as much as 17%.

On the average homeowner, that could be an extra $5.00 each month, or $60.00 each year.

Thursday, city council members decided they will vote on how high that rate will go in September. They did decide to limit it to 17%.

These increases are needed to help the city pay for its failed or struggling projects, such as the City Center, VGTI and Digital Domain.

Right now, Pollard says the city is spending about $2 million dollars a year that it does not have.

Some residents are upset they have to pay for the city’s failures.

Mayor Greg Oravec did side against the tax increase.

The higher rate would be implemented to the November bill.

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  • Posted 10 years ago

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