Interested in learning about the birds, mammals, alligators and other critters that visit your backyard pond? What about those blue pickerelweed flowers and other plants growing in ponds? Interested in participating in the UF/IFAS Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife Program?
Come join the UF/IFAS St. Lucie County Extension and the St Lucie West Services District for our first two Pond Appeal Brown Bag Lunch educational programs. The dates of these programs are Tuesday, Oct. 27 and Tuesday, Nov. 10 at noon. Presentations will be conducted at the St. Lucie West Services District Board Room, 450 SW Utility Drive, Port St. Lucie. Programs are free-of-charge. Participants will learn about the birds and other wildlife that frequently visits their backyard ponds in the first brown bag lunch program. They will also learn about desirable (and sometimes undesirable) plants found in and around backyard ponds in the second brown bag lunch program.
Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in the UF/IFAS Florida Backyard Landscapes for Wildlife Program. This new program will help residents learn how the ponds and landscaping on their property can be managed to benefit wildlife. So come on out to learn about Florida’s Pond Appeal!
For additional information, contact Ken Gioeli, Extension Agent IV/Natural Resources & Environment at 772-462-1660 or visit our website at
What: Pond Appeal Brown Bag Lunch Educational Series
When: Tuesday, Oct. 27 – Backyard Wildlife Monitoring Around Your Florida Pond
Tuesday, Nov. 10 – Aquatic Plants in your Florida Pond
Time: Begins at noon. Will conclude before 1 p.m.
Location: St Lucie West Services District Board Room
450 SW Utility Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34986
Cost: Free-of-charge
Registration: Just stop in. Bring your lunch and enjoy!
Information: Ken Gioeli, 772-462-1660