Polo Mogul John Goodman Takes His Case to Appeals Court

Wellington polo mogul John Goodman, who’s already serving time for a deadly drunk driving crash, took his case before an appeals court on Monday. Last year for a second time, a jury convicted Goodman of driving drunk and killing 23-year old Scott Wilson, back in 2010. An earlier conviction was thrown out because of juror misconduct. Goodman is trying to reverse a ruling by a state hearing officer in Tallahassee, which paved the way for the blood evidence to be admitted into last year’s retrial. Goodman’s legal team claims the needle used to draw his blood was too small, potentially causing clotting, which could in turn, push the value higher than it really was. A blood draw three hours after the crash put Goodman’s blood alcohol level at more than twice the legal limit.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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