Pets of the week! Adopt Cooper and Bashful
Adoptable Pets of the week!
Cooper is a 9 year old, Australian Shepherd mix. He knows basic commands, walks well on a leash, and takes treats gently. Cooper’s adoption fee has been waived and he’s waiting to meet you at 4100 SW Leighton Farm Ave, Palm City, FL 34990!
Bashful is a 4 year old sweetheart that came to our shelter due to her own developing allergies. Bashful loves to be talked to and would love a quiet home to cuddle with her humans. It takes her some time to adjust to her new surroundings, but once she does, she turns into a playful kitten! You can meet Bashful at 2585 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994.
To view other adoptable pets, visit our website at
Humane Society of the Treasure Coast | 4100 SW Leighton Farm Ave | Palm City, FL 34990