The most violent crime scene in Tequesta

The most violent crime scene in Tequesta

Tequesta, Fla-“I have seen a lot of crime scenes and I don’t know if I have ever seen that much violence.” Sheriff  William Snyder said at a press conference regarding the gruesome murder of two people in Tequesta, Florida.


When deputies arrived to the home of  John Stevens, 59, and Michelle Mishcon Stevens, 53 Haurrouff was eating the skin off one of the already dead victims’ face. The victims were unrecognizable.

The suspect was at Duffy’s on Indiantown Road in Jupiter earlier eating dinner with his family when he became very upset and he left. His family was so concerned about him they called the Jupiter Police to report the incident.

The suspect then walked north on Island Way and somehow took the left on the street before his fathers street.

Somehow his friends, who were his fraternity brothers and lifelong friends, found out that he was agitated and went out to look for him.

The couple were in their garage when Haurrouff took a  knife and yard tools to butcher them..

Jeffry Fisher spotted Harrouff stabbing the couple and tried to intervene. Fisher was also stabbed five times, including to the head. He managed to escape and call the police. He ended up in the hospital in surgery.

“There’s not one thing in this case that seems to make sense.”said Sheriff  Snyder.

The suspect was a student at FSU who got good grades.

Sheriff  Snyder went on to say why Haurrouff did this is the big question and what was the influencing factor.

The Martin  County  Police will be executing a search warrant to do further testing to find out what he has ingested.

Haurrouff is in custody in a Palm Beach County Hospital.



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  • Posted 8 years ago

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