Learn about the Becker Road Overlay District at upcoming Planning Workshops

Learn about the Becker Road Overlay District at upcoming Planning Workshops


What:                    Planning Workshops on the Becker Road Overlay District


When:                   Thursday, January 25, 2018 OR Thursday, February 8, 2018; both at 6:30 p.m.


Where:                  Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 SE Airoso Blvd.


Why:                      Residents and community members are invited to provide their input on the future of Becker Road. They will learn about the proposed Becker Road Overlay District at two upcoming Planning Workshops.

The proposed Becker Road Overlay District will focus on building design standards, including the scale and location of buildings, parking, landscaping and cross-access over the entire Becker Road corridor.  The Overlay District is intended to improve the quality of new development and to preserve and protect adjacent residential neighborhoods. It’s also intended to diversify land uses related to quality of life, safety, connectivity, recreation and environmental concerns based on citizens’ input.

The Becker Road Overlay District will affect the north and south sides of Becker Road between Florida’s Turnpike and Interstate 95.

Residents who would like more information should call 772-871-5213.

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  • Posted 7 years ago

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