High school student arrested for writing “Hit List” in Port St. Lucie

High school student arrested for writing “Hit List” in Port St. Lucie

 Port St. Lucie Police secured a take and hold order on a 14 year old Somerset College Preparatory Academy student. That happened on April 21. The order was for writing threats to kill or do bodily injury to fellow students and staff of the school.  St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office located and took the 14 year old male high school student into custody after the order was issued.

The  school resource officer at Somerset College Preparatory Academy began an investigation into complaints that a 14 year old male student had written a “Hit List”. During the investigation the officer learned that the student had written the names of several students on a piece of paper. He  then passed it around to other classmates saying he was going to shoot them. The school resource officer learned that the 14 year old took the paper back then ripped it up in several pieces and threw it in the trash.

School staff along with the SRO located the paper the suspect threw away and started piecing it together. The paper had listed a total of 18 names to include students, the principal, and the school resource officer. The suspect also had mentioned gasoline and laundry detergent, which the 14 year old said he heard you can make Napalm. There was also writing on the paper of an AR-15 and Glock-19 with multiple rounds of ammunition.

Through the course of the investigation the officer learned that the 14 year olds father, who lives in another city in Florida, has firearms. The officer took the information gleaned from the investigation and consulted with the State Attorney’s Office who issued a take and hold order on the student.

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  • Posted 8 years ago

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