Great news for MCSO K9 Kasper!

Great news for MCSO K9 Kasper!

Martin County ( -The Martin County Sheriff’s Department has provided an update on K9 Kasper. K9 Deputy Ron Manganiello had taken Kasper in to the vet because he noticed that he wasn’t acting right. It turned out a tumor had developed on his liver, and had ruptured, causing Kasper to bleed internally. It’s a condition that is usually deadly as the rupture can cause the dogs to bleed out, but the quick work of Deputy Manganiello and the veterinarians saved Kasper’s life. Now, more good news came in late last week. Tests on the tumor showed that it was not cancerous, and no-further treatment is necessary. Kasper continues to recover, and is expected to return to duty in a few weeks.

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