City of Fort Pierce Mayor Linda Hudson announced the winners of the Mayor。ヲs Gold Hammer Award on Friday, September 16, 2016, at the monthly Coffee with the Mayor.
The Mayor。ヲs Gold Hammer Awards are presented in March and September in an ongoing effort to recognize improvement projects within the City of Fort Pierce. Recipients have added value to their neighborhoods by restoring, constructing or enhancing their properties in a way that contributes to the character of their surroundings.

Fort Pierce Mayor Awards Gold Hammer Winners at Coffee with the Mayor
A well-kept home, neighborhood and business means that residents take pride in their community. With pride comes value, beauty and a great image for our city.
September 2016 Winners:
Oculina Bank
Commercial New Construction
1929 Seaway Drive
Mervis’ Cafe
Commercial Renovation
402 South 5th Street
Diagnostic Radiology Center – Dr. Ajay Goyal
Commercial Rehabilitation
2011 South 25th Street
The Mayor’s Gold Hammer Awards are sponsored by East Coast Lumber and Supply Company. Each category winner receives a $100 gift certificate from the sponsor, an energy saving kit from Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and a sign displayed in front of their home or business.
Nominations are now open for March 2017 Gold Hammer Awards. Nomination forms are available in the Mayor。ヲs Office at City Hall or on the City’s website at:
About Coffee with the Mayor
Coffee with the Mayor is held on every third Friday of the month at the Fort Pierce Yacht (700 N. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce). The event begins at 8:00 AM and is a positive networking experience for those that attend. Businesses, community organizations, and newcomers to the area are welcome to share information about upcoming events or activities occurring in the Treasure Coast region. For more information about Coffee with the Mayor call the Main Street Fort Pierce Office at 772-466-3880 or email