I can’t wait to vote in early voting but I could certainly could live with out these BS mailers that are going out to people and the endless political commercials. I have a few things I’m planning to write about over the weekend but this was received today by many voters in Martin County and instead of getting mad I got busy with my friends Victoria Romero Huggins who can unearth bs like a lightening bolt and Loretta Tennant. I was actually working when I posted this postcard and they did all the heavy lifting. I just want to make sure this documented in a public place.
I’m probably more of a fiscal conservative than any of you. I consider these postcards a waste of time and money and I wish there was a way that a percentage of all the money spent on campaigns could be sent to the local food bank.
This one was rich because the people who created it do not live here and they are messing with our water. Don’t let this happen! Give them a call. Scroll down for the number. Tell them our water is none of their business. They are doing us harm.
Do we need more of this?
Hey all of you! I’m sure Patrick Murphy has some gross river water to send to you so you can smell what we had to live with for two months. He brought it to Rick Scott and the staff called it a stunt. Wasn’t a stunt. He couldn’t be bothered to come here where we have been under a state of emergency. We wanted Patrick to bring our disgusting water to all of you.
We want substance not five year old vindictive big ego behavoir. Yes. If you know me I don’t put with this from anyone.
So I’m just going to lay it out.
Here is the other part of the mailer.
The whole thing would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. The health of our river is a political tool of big sugar. Are you going send a flyer out against Joe Negron who just said we need to buy the land and convey clean water south? Can’t wait for that!
Paid electioneering communication was paid for by the “Committee to Elect Real Conservatives.” ( Real conservatives would not spend good stamp money on this garbage. That’s what Facebook is for.)
Victoria found out the Chairperson is Josh Cooper. The Treasurer is Abby Dupree. Phone: (850)877-1099. I called the phone number and I got a place called Carol and Company.
“How did this piece get printed? ” Victoria asked “They have not filed any campaign finance reports, expenditures or anything.”
The group is led by two folks with connections to Florida Governor Rick Scott – Brian Burgess and Josh Cooper. Cooper is executive director of Better Florida Alliance and the Scott supporting Let’s Get to Work. Burgess was Scott’s communications director.”
The registered agent is MITCHELL, EMMETT, IV.
Loretta found this about Emmett:
“The Republican attorney who engineered the 2000 Florida felons list, which African American leaders said purged thousands of eligible blacks from voter rolls in the state and helped swing that election to the GOP, also wrote the first draft of Florida’s controversial House Bill 1355 that has restricted early voting and voter registration campaigns in 2012.
Emmett “Bucky” Mitchell IV, former senior attorney for the Florida Division of Elections, now in private practice in Tallahassee and serving as general counsel for the Florida GOP, testified in April in a federal voting rights lawsuit that he wrote the first draft of 1355. The Palm Beach Post uncovered the deposition while researching the origins of the law…” …https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search…
So I have to ask Why is Rick Scott and his friends interfering with our election?
I’m not quite sure why Tallahassee Republicans think we continue to need to be poisoned and destroyed.
Our water is not about Party. It’s about survival. What kind of monsters do this? What kind of monsters want an entire group of people to have this? Friend of Rick Scott that who.