St. Lucie County Sheriff’s detectives arrest St. Lucie County Deputy Heather Tucker on drug charges, according to Sheriff Ken J. Mascara
Here is a statement from St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken J. Mascara describing the arrest of St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Deputy Heather Tucker, who is on unpaid administrative leave following her arrest:
“When the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office has to arrest one of our own, I and the members of the Sheriff’s Office feel heartbroken and disappointed.”
“However, we must police our own to maintain the public’s trust and confidence and to ensure that only the most qualified wear the badge of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office.”
“Sadly, Friday night we had to arrest one of our own, 27-year-old Heather Tucker, a six-year veteran of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office. Her charges are two felonies, marijuana possession over 20 grams and marijuana possession with intent to sell, and a misdemeanor charge of possessing drug equipment. There may be additional charges. The investigation is continuing.”
“Deputies booked her into the St. Lucie County jail at 3:30 a.m., and at 4:36 a.m., she posted $15,750 bond and was released pending a court hearing that has not yet been scheduled.”
“About 30 days ago we received ananonymous tip claiming that she was involved in possible criminal drug activity. I initiated a full investigation by members of our Special Investigations Unit (SIU.)”
“SIU detectives developed sufficient probable cause to obtain a search warrant.”
“Friday night, Nov. 13, at about 7:45 p.m., SIU detectives served a search warrant at the Fort Pierce apartment where Tucker had been staying recently with her boyfriend, Kristopher Goodner, 29, and roommate Jeffrey Barden, 28. Also at the apartment when detectives served the warrant was Ayla Clanton, 27, of 2107 South 31st Street, Fort Pierce.
A complete search of the apartment found felony amounts of marijuana, packaging materials and other items typically associated with the sale and distribution of marijuana.”
“Accordingly, our SIU detectives arrested Tucker and Goodner for two felonies, marijuana possession over 20 grams and marijuana possession with intent to sell, and a misdemeanor charge of possessing drug equipment.”
“Detectives also arrested Clanton and Barden for two misdemeanors each, marijuana possession under 20 grams and possession of drug equipment.”
“I immediately placed Tucker on unpaid administrative leave. We have taken her Sheriff’s Office identification, badge, weapons, vehicle and uniforms, and returned them to the Sheriff’s Office.”
“Goodner was booked into the St. Lucie County jail and released after posting $15,750 bond, pending a court hearing that has not yet been scheduled.”
“Clanton and Barden were booked into the St. Lucie County jail and released after each posted $1,500 bond, pending court hearings that have not yet been scheduled.”
The Florida Constitution establishes the Office of the elected County Sheriff who is responsible for preserving the peace, carrying out the orders of Florida courts and the Board of County Commissioners, and providing deputies at court sessions and meetings of the Board of County Commissioners. The Sheriff is the chief correctional officer of the county. Sheriff Ken J. Mascara is elected by the people of St. Lucie County and is accountable to them.