On a gorgeous Florida evening the Chabad of Martin and St Lucie sponsored a Menorah Lighting with our beloved St Lucie River as a backdrop.
There was plenty to do at this family event. Face painting and other stations set up for the kids and food. I was very pleased to meet a nice man name Baruch from Tel Aviv who made the most delicious falafals that I have eaten had since I was in Israel ( a long long time ago). I took the time to go back to my car and enjoy every bite. In solitude. That’s how good it was.
There was a very talented band that booked itself as the only Orthodox Folk Band. There was a giant dreidel.
The public lighting of the Menorah is an important event. Chanukah is an important inspiring holiday.
Rabbi Shlomo Uminer said “This is a community wide celebration to come out and celebrate and light the menorah publicly. We celebrate freedom from oppression, light over darkness and freedom of religion.” Indeed. Words that I needed to hear.
Stuart Mayor Eula Clark was on hand to not only give an inspiring speech but joined in the spontaneous dancing. I can tell you that Mayor Eula does a mean hora.
It felt like a joyous celebration.
It felt like home.