September 2, 2015 – November 4, 2015
Wednesday Evenings from 5:30-7:30pm
Have you ever wondered what happens when you dial 911 or why a fire truck accompanies an ambulance? Citizen Fire Academy is a ten-week program where you will learn about every aspect of your fire rescue department including budgeting, training, 911-dispatch, aeromedical, special operations, emergency medical services, fire suppression, emergency management, ocean rescue and much, much more!
Experience firsthand… a life fire demonstration, the 911 Call Center in action, reenactments of serious medical emergencies, view the jaws of life in use, feel the wind from the LifeStar helicopter.
Citizen Fire Academy is free to Martin County Residents. Participants must be 18 years of age. There’s still time to register for Citizen Fire Academy – Class XI. Call Margy Mills @ 772-419-2759 to register.