Celebrate Literacy in September


~Join us in celebrating literacy this month at Florida State Parks.~   

A woman reads with children.

A woman reads with children.

Governor Rick Scott has proclaimed September as Florida Literacy Month. International Literacy Day will be observed on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

“Literacy is very important for people of all ages,” said Florida Park Service Director Donald Forgione, “We are excited to celebrate reading and provide the best spots in the state to curl up with a good book to enjoy nature and the great outdoors.”

The Florida Park Service, Department of Education and Department of State, Division of Libraries have joined together to stress the importance of literacy for all ages. This partnership follows the summertime activities of Florida’s First Lady Ann Scott, who encourages children to read through her Summer Literacy Adventure.

September is also National Library Card Month.

Twelve different events celebrating Florida Literacy Month are scheduled around the state. The events will provide children and adults the opportunity to participate in activities, accentuating the importance of literacy. Activities and crafts vary from book reading, book signings, book swaps, games and educational activities.

To find an event near you, visit www.floridastateparks.org. Click the Things to Do tab in the navigation bar. Select events. For the search criteria. Select a region of the state, September 2015 as the Event Date and Literacy as the Event Theme. Click Apply. A list of events will display for your region of the state.

Participation in the events are free and park admission is waived for those participating. Some events request the donation of a book or that attendees show their library card for free entry.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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