Blue green algae closes Bathtub Beach to swimming

Blue green algae closes Bathtub Beach to swimming

Martin County, Fl- Blue green algae was spotted at Bathtub Beach in Martin County earlier this week, prompting county officials to keep swimmers out of the water. The algae was spotted Tuesday afternoon. It was removed and taken for testing. While there was no visible algae reported yesterday, lifeguards are keeping people out of the water. The beach itself is open. Back in 2016 the entire beach had to be closed because of the blue-green algae found in the water. Bathtub Beach is the only beach so far this year where algae has been spotted, and swimming is currently allowed at all other Martin County beaches.

For the latest information on beach conditions, call the Martin County Beach Hotline at 772-320-3112.

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  • Posted 6 years ago

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