Darcy Flierl has been serving children and families in a variety of capacities for over 20 years.
Ask Darcy!
People are constantly sending her emails, messages and calls from friends and friends of friends, asking for advice on many topics ranging from parenting challenging kids, how to handle aging seniors, helping loved ones who are struggling with addiction and on and on.
Darcy understands there is a need for the community at large to have a resource they may tap into for quick, immediate and sound advice.
“As complex as humans are, so are the problems we are faced with in our day to day lives.” She said.
Darcy has invited you to send her your questions about life, family, hardships, change, parenting and/or whatever it is that might be interfering with your day to day peace. Many questions she can answer is based on her working knowledge, experience or research. Other times she might consult a fellow expert in the field. Your questions will be answered with grace, compassion and with your confidentiality in mind.
Please write to: Ask Darcy at AskDarcyFlierl@gmail.com. She will not use your real name and information may be changed to protect your identity.