Army Corps of Engineers Confirms Storm Water Being Released Into St Lucie River

Saint lucie river

Lake Okeechobee Water Releases

The Army Corps of Engineers confirms more than 2.7 Billion  gallons of storm water is being released into the St Lucie river daily from the C-44 Canal.

The C-44 canal drains storm water from Martin and St Lucie Counties, currently swamped from heavy rainfall.

The C-44 canal is currently at 14.7 feet deep. The target depth is closer to 14.0 feet, so the releases are likely to continue for a while.

It’s enough water to fill an NFL football stadium four times every day.

The release often means Martin County will see a spike in bacteria levels in the river and health advisories could be posted for the Palm City, Stuart, and even Port St Lucie waterways in the days to come.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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