A Survivor’s Awakening

A Survivor’s Awakening

Want a life without traumatic responses?  YOU have the answers to make it happen.

Guest Post by Elisabeth Corey — get free updates of new posts here.


When I started on my recovery path eight years ago, I had no idea what I was in for. Since I had repressed my memories of abuse and trafficking by my family, there was no way I could know. Through my journey, I have uncovered memories of a horrific childhood, but more importantly, I have discovered how I was impacted by that childhood. I have learned how that childhood has affected the way I view the world. And I have learned how to change it.

When I first started to write, I had no idea how healing it would be. I had been taught not to talk about the past, and while I do not write about my childhood story specifically, the idea of being open and vulnerable to a world of people was beyond my imagination. My entire body shook as I posted my first article and since that time, I have spoken my truth more and more. In many ways, I have recovered my voice through this work. And that has meant freedom.

But I never foresaw what happened next. I started to receive communication from other survivors. Some told me their stories of abuse. Some told me how much they had struggled in their adult life with the physical and emotional repercussions of abuse, the challenges of parenting with trauma triggers, and maneuvering through intimate relationships. But one thing was a common thread in my communications with survivors. They wanted to tell me, “Thank you for finally articulating how it feels to be a survivor of abuse. Thank you for putting words to my life.”

Over the years, I have come to know that I can bring awareness to others the way that I have brought it to my own life. I don’t tell them the answers. I just ask the right questions. I have found that survivors have the answers once we know what to look for. I have found that we can bring awareness to our lives when we have help shining a light on what we are not noticing.

Help for Survivors

So, I have developed several offerings to meet the need, the need of so many survivors of abuse who are struggling through the requirements of daily life, but know deep down that they can live better.

  1. Guided Email Sessions: I am providing guided email sessions that will bring survivors through the important questions about how they are responding to life and how their beliefs are holding them back. I will help guide survivors out of the trauma maze and together, we will develop a road map for the life they are meant to live. If you are a survivor, I invite you to click here for further information about these guidance sessions. If you are also a parent, click here for specific parenting guidance sessions.


  1. Survivors’ Forum: There is nothing more healing than community. I am offering a free survivor forum that will bring us together to discuss the important life issues that impact us. The knowledge that there are others is such a relief to survivors who have been isolated by abusers. Please click here to register for the forum.


  1. Workshop for Parent Survivors: Starting in September, I will offer a workshop for survivors who are parents. This workshop will look at parenting triggers and boundary setting, while providing tools for coping with our traumatic responses to parenting. Please subscribe to get more information about the workshop here.


You already have the information.  I can help you access it.


I have the questions.

And you have the answers.

About Elisabeth

Elisabeth Corey Picture (2)

Elisabeth Corey is a survivor of family-controlled child sex trafficking and sex abuse.  Her education in social work and her personal experiences as a survivor inform her intimate discussion about the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of trauma recovery, which she discusses on her blog at BeatingTrauma.com.  She writes about breaking the cycle of abuse through conscious parenting, navigating intimate relationships as a survivor, balancing the memory recovery process with daily life, coping with self-doubt, and overcoming the physical symptoms of a traumatic childhood.  She guides other survivors as they navigate life and parenting with private sessions, workshops and a forum.  She also works with media and organizations through her workshops, writing, and speaking.  Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.


About Ginger


Working to improve the world one child at a time, Ginger has made it her life mission to raise awareness of the world-wide epidemic of child abuse. An impassioned child advocate, trainer, speaker and child forensic interviewer, Ginger regularly blogs about child protection issues and has released a report for parents and other caring adults, “10 Scary Apps.” Ginger can be contacted via her website “Ginger Kadlec: BeAKidsHero™” at BeAKidsHero.com or find her on Facebook at facebook.com/gingergkadlec.

You can also connect with Ginger via other social media at:

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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