2 Martin County teen cousins steal car and go on crime spree!
Two Martin County teen cousins looking for “anything of value” were charged with multiple felonies after stealing a car and breaking into a number of vehicles. One of the “items of value” stolen during that crime spree, was a 9mm gun and three magazines.
16-year old Michael Richmond and 13-year old Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Sullivan, both of Stuart, parked the stolen car near the Hibiscus Park Community, then began walking the neighborhood in search of cars or structures to burglarize. Someone reported the teens as suspicious, but not before they stole a 9mm gun and three magazines from a vehicle. The teens ran when deputies arrived, but eventually surrendered. One of the teens tossed the weapon to the ground as deputies approached, but it was recovered. At least 6-victims were identified. One victim told deputies she is familiar with the younger suspect as “Everyone in the neighborhood knows that he breaks into people’s homes and cars.”
Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Sullivan was charged with three counts of Unarmed Burglary, Grand Theft Auto, Armed Burglary, and Grand Theft of a Firearm. All felonies.
Michael Richmond was charged with two counts of Burglary, Grand Theft Auto, and Armed Burglary. All felonies.
Both suspects were processed and taken to the juvenile detention center. Case #17-14805
June 27, 2017