Wally! HSTC Pet of the week!


Meet Wally – a spunky 1 year old male DSH mix cat up for adoption at our North thrift store in Stuart. Last year, Wally was found all alone and scared as a tiny kitten under someone’s house. When he came to the shelter he was covered in ringworm, had a raw tail, had an upper respiratory infection, and was skin and bones. One of the HSTC staff members then took him home for 3 months to get him well again. After bottle feeding and months of medications and skin treatment he was finally a healthy happy kitten and ready for adoption. Wally was fortunate enough to get adopted to a great home but was recently returned when his owner fell ill and was unable to care for him any longer. He is now looking for another home. Wally gets along great with other cats and children. He is a fun loving guy and is ready to show you what an amazing personality he has. Come meet Wally today at our North thrift store: 1099 NW 21st St,


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  • Posted 6 years ago

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