Video: St Lucie Locks gross disgusting water. Where are the leaders?

Video: St Lucie Locks gross disgusting water. Where are the leaders?

Here is a video by River Warrior Kenny Hinkle Jr. Kenny tried to do a video from the locks but you cannot get in. He was also told he could not use his drone.

This is what is coming out the locks.

Before this onslaught the St Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon was looking great.

I just did a search to see if any of our political leaders have even talked about this. If I’m wrong I’m happy to post who has said anything to this date. I’m not saying they didn’t. I’m saying I could not find anything by searching. If i’m wrong


BOCC: ST. Lucie nothing

City of Stuart: nothing

City of Port St Lucie: nothing

Representative Gayle B Harrell: nothing

Representative Mary Magar: nothing

Senator Joe Negron: nothing

This was based on a google search with the name, lake Okeechobee discharges. I’m happy to be wrong.

Now maybe the Martin Commish that said we needed a sales tax because people needed to “pay to drive on our roads.” will understand why we thought that statement was ludicrous.

Looking forward to hearing statements from all our leaders as to what they are doing to save us and our water.






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  • Posted 7 years ago

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