Treasure Coast Firework Displays

Treasure Coast Firework Displays

Treasure Coast, Fl- There are several firework displays along the Treasure Coast. In Martin County there is the City of Stuart’s 4th of July Celebration at Flagler Park and the City Boardwalk area. Live music starts at 5:30. In St Lucie County, the city of Port St Lucie has it’s Freedomfest at the Port St Lucie Civic Center, which starts at 4pm with live music, food, and games. And Stars Over St Lucie is in Fort Pierce. There will be music, food, and games that start at 6pm. Fireworks start at 9pm for all three events.

If you’ll be celebrating Independence Day with fireworks, there are a couple of simple rules that make things a lot safer. Anna Farrar  at the Florida Fire Marshal’s office says you should never try to “double dip” fireworks that have fizzled.

You should also keep a hose and a bucket of water handy in case something goes wrong. Or you can just leave it to the professionals and enjoy one of the fireworks displays in your community.


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  • Posted 7 years ago

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