Toxic Algae: Thousands of citizens say “Buy the Land!”
An estimated 3,500 people (and prob more) showed up at Stuart Beach Saturday morning to raise awareness over the toxic algae issues plaguing Treasure Coast waterways. Thousands of people spelled out “Buy the Land”, and the picture has now gone viral online. Buy the land refers to buying property south of Lake Okeechobee to send the water south, which is where nature intended it to go. Because really who puts an agricultural area in the middle of a river!
Businesses aren’t the only thing at risk because of the algae bloom. The toxic gunk threatens human and marine life as well. A dead manatee was found Saturday morning near a home off of Lakeside Trail in North River Shores. The sludge can burn a person’s skin if they swim in it, and just being near it can cause respiratory or lung issues. If you have not smelled go smell it. It will only take a moment. It smells like death.

Toxic Algae State of Emergency!
Senator Marco Rubio toured the affected area in an air conditioned yacht on Friday said the long term health issues need to be studied. While he spoke a rat died a slow death sucked in by the toxic algae. I’m not kidding. This was reported by our fabulous CBS reporter Jana Eschbach.
Experts say that even when the algae dies it will sink to the bottom and can still release toxins, even if the water looks clear. The only way to effectively get rid of it, is to dredge the river once the algae is gone. I doubt anyone will do anything about this after the photo ops are over. We’ll be left here to suck in this crap and die a slow death with Parkinson’s disease.
While all attention is on Martin County and the toxic blue-green algae bloom, some people might not realize that the bloom originated in Lake Okeechobee and it is a 33-square mile algae bloom.
Kait Parker actually documented it in Pahokee. You can check out her photos on her Facebook Page. So when you tell me this came from north of the lake. People watched it grow and then float over. The ACOE was begged not to open up the locks.
My sister called me from Colorado and she asked when the help would be coming and the algae bloom contained. I said ” What help? What are you talking about?” Help? We had Friday photo ops and everyone went on to their lives.
The National News was here as well as our local news. In the photo below I spoke to the line producer and told me he that he thought we had a great community.

Irene Gomes being interviewed by NBC National news.
The locks were sped up and supposedly slowed down. I was there yesterday and there was all kinds of algae on the other side of the locks coming in and two manatees stuck in where the boats goes and I have no idea when they will be let out. You can my video on our Facebook Page.
We are told they are going to shut the locks off for a few days but we need a few weeks. We still have no Federal Emergency as i’m sure the Governor and his staff are off enjoying their weekend. I would really surprised if he does this at all. Not to self-can we get a constitutional amendment to recall the Governor?
We need to buy the land. People need to stop arguing with me. If you have any questions call Marty Baum the Indian Riverkeeper or Mark Perry. I’ve had an onslaught of very nasty white men going after me in the last week. All of them white men with guns. I’m not scared of you! It’s just that I have to work and if all you can do is try to threaten me without trying to learn then stay away. I have no use for anyone that can process how to solve a problem and the endless use syllogisms. Straw men you give me agina!
This is not the first time during this fight that I have been threatened. I lived in Israel on the border of Lebanon. Nothing scares me. If you have a question I am more than happy to answer but a question does not start with telling me what a terrible person I am and that I am making things up. Be civil. No one wants to take your guns away. We just do not want deathly stinky Toxic green algae in our water. Just watch in a few weeks they will tell us we were exaggerating. We are being destroyed. Remember white hunter guys if this could happen to us who knows what will happen to you!