Stuart Police Need Help Identifying Burglary Suspect
Stuart, Fla- According to the Stuart Police the suspect in the photo stole a purse of female victim who was walking her dog at the dog park. On Tuesday, December 26, 2017, the victim was visiting the Poppleton Creek Dog Park and returned to her car. She then realized her purse had been stolen. This male is believed to be the burglar. He went to Publix and charging over $800 on her credit card. The suspect even took time to weigh himself, after his shopping spree.
“The Stuart Police Department would like to officially weigh this guy, while being booked at the jail. We are requesting any information that may lead to identifying him for an arrest. Please contact Detective Joseph Calderone at (772) 220-3943”
Stuart Police Need Help Identifying Burglary – We are requesting any information that may lead to identifying him for an arrest. Please contact Detective Joseph Calderone at (772) 220-3943
— Stuart Police Dept. (@cityofstuart) January 9, 2018