Statement from local counties and cities regarding the discharges from Lake O
St Lucie County
I searched and googled and could not find one statement from our local government.
What do you think? Should they be addressing this?
If you find something please send it to me
Please be sure to leave a message about how you feel about getting these discharges year after year!
Just got this message today from Tim Canova. Thank you Tim. Tim came here to our locks. He sought out people so he could understand the issues.
“With the start of rainy season, we once again see the problem of toxic water flowing from Lake Okeechobee, killing our marine animal life, fouling our inland and coastal waters, and damaging our tourist industries. When will our elected representatives in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. act to address this recurring crisis? Florida voters passed Amendment 1 in 2010, a referendum to restore the natural flow of Lake Okeechobee into the Everglades, which would naturally filtrate the toxins while replenishing our aquifers. But the political class continues to take millions of dollars from Big Farming and Big Sugar interests that want the dirty status quo to continue. And that includes our opponent, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who still managed to wrangle an endorsement from the Sierra Club without so much as a screening interview or endorsement questionnaire.
Our campaign has never taken a penny from corporate polluters and unlike Wasserman Schultz, we consistently stand up for the environment, for clean water, and for future generations. Please join our campaign at”
@ChrisKingFL speaks out about our dischages! Thank you sir!
Thank you Pam Keith for speaking out!