St. Lucie County Encourages Residents to Take State Internet Speed Test

St. Lucie County Encourages Residents to Take State Internet Speed Test

  1. LUCIE COUNTY – Access to high-speed, reliable internet service plays a critical role in our lives from everything from educational opportunities to business development. To ensure Floridians have access to broadband services, St. Lucie County’s Local Technology Planning Team is asking local residents and businesses to take the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s (DEO) one-minute, anonymous internet speed test to help guide the state’s investments in broadband internet service expansion.

The test is available

Once the test is complete, the mapping tool will provide real-time information to identify gaps in broadband service, enable the state to support local communities through future investments in service expansion and measure progress toward serving communities where connectivity to schools, libraries and community learning centers are needed most.

With just a minute of your time, you can help get our students across the state up to speed.

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  • Posted 2 years ago

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