Second Algae Bloom Coming!

Scientists confirm a second powerful toxic bloom is growing and spreading in the south fork of the St. Lucie River in Martin County.

Just a few days ago a full moon high tide washed away a foot-deep sludge of toxic algae to sea out of local canals and marinas in Palm City and Stuart. But now, scientists say a second massive bloom is just beginning in Martin County with green globs showing at Downtown Stuart parks and the boat ramps in Palm City. According to scientists, this is Phase 1. They say it will be just a matter of days before the algae bloom expands and releases toxins into the air again. Martin County Commissioners plan to coordinate a plan of attack with Palm Beach and Broward leaders this morning at the Robert Morgade Library at 10 am in Stuart. The hope is to join together to get action from the State and federal government on the Herbert Hoover Dike repairs and water quality issues.

How will we survive?  As the financial impact of the toxic algae crisis is only starting to be tallied, the Small Business Administration says that 5 dozen businesses have gone under or are showing severe losses.  According to a CBS12 investigation reveals — that number is way off.  Jana Eschbach reported  that the official numbers are way off, because it costs money to count people, financial losses, and impacts, and so far no one big entity or government is paying to do a comprehensive count.

It’s pathetic!

This past week Anne Scott spoke out against SFWMD this week calling out their BS. (you can see on her facebook page.) Finally! I was at a meeting a few weeks ago and they still think its our septic tanks!




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  • Posted 8 years ago

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